Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Funeral For a Fish Friend

Sadly, our bottom feeder Monster died on Friday. He had been swimming funny all week, and I had the sneaking suspicion that the end was near when I noticed he wasn't eating any of his yummy algae disks. Sydney took it hard. We have had the thing since she was three, and even though she couldn't pet it or play with it, she did talk to him every day. He didn't get buried until last night. Gross. Sydney felt that she needed a few days to mourn him before she put him into the ground, Chad and I called it his "viewing". I made Chad put it in a plastic bag and then put it back into the tank until they buried it so it wouldn't just be decomposing in the tank, but that ended up being gross too. Oh well, he was way too big to flush, and at least it's over now. Every one in my house is already talking about getting a new tenant for the tank, like a snake or a turtle, but I am demanding we leave it vacant for a while. I feigned respect for the dead, but the true reason is that I will inevitably be the one feeding ad caring for it, and I already begrudge doing that for the warm blooded animals that dwell with us. I would love to have a snake some day though, I like snakes. I do not however, want to feed it baby mice, so I told Chad to research alternative feeding methods before we get one. I have cleaned and removed the tank from the house, and so maybe everyone will forget about a new pet and we can all just enjoy the new found counter space in the bathroom!

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